So now that I am 17 years old I have finally mastered walking in heels.
I've had funny legs ever since I was born, I suspect I'm bowl legged and bottom line I just don't walk normally.
Then I broke my leg when I was 11, now for sure I don't walk properly because my left ankle always starts to hurt after an hour of walking.
But after buying my first pair of heels at the beginning of summer and after a friend said that at our leavers party next year she wants to see me in heels, I decided to do just that.
After many months of practising in my house and dancing in heels. I can finally do it. I can walk as normal as can be for me and not fall flat on my face! I wore those blue heels picture aboved. And my heeled boots that I've had for over a year but have not dared to wear them.
So it's not the biggest achievement in history but I'm glad, because now I can be even more obessed with shoes and include heels into it :) I now feel I can wear anything.
Now for sad news. I have no money. I need to get on the phone to EMA on Monday and find out what is going on, waah!
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