Pictures of my shopping trip! Also pictures of my now tidy room.

i spent ages searching for these, thankfully i found the, but these were the last size 6.

printed dress orginally £28
but a £10 off prints meant £18
printed dresses are not even me,
i think this is ugly now
but it looks nice on.
new look

£16. - new look
i love this another not me dress.

basic white top - new look

£6 belt - new look
all of the new look stuff came up to £82 but the discount made it £53!

basic black top £2.50 - primark

£10 - primark
i got my mum one too!

tights. can't really remember - primark

bra set £4 - primark
knickers - £1.96 i think.

all H&M if you couldn't see.
now on to my room.
wow...i will do a before and after of my rooomm soon u will be shocked at the mess! oh btw love ur rokit shirt (post below!)