Formerly cheeky cheeky and the nosebleeds, but they shortened it to the cheeks. They were good, I liked their stuff need to search it up. The lead singer had such funny moves, I was entertained. I had the impression that he was trying to be like Brandon Flowers from The Killers, either way, loved it.

These fantastic guys were just well fantastic. Wicked stage presence, just jumping down and allowing us girls to just grasp their sweaty selfs. And then they "finished" their act and left the stage so the crowd proceeded to shout "we want more" over and over again. They came out and invited all the girls on stage and sang two more songs! I loved the one in blue how frikkin cute is my husband and he allowed me to hug him as I went off stage. Frikkin adorable, everyone else like the lead singer but he is soo cute!
Such a good night and proof of it? I could barely hear when we left and my hears were beeping. My next gig is in March at the Roundhouse. I'm seeing my favourite band The Spill Canvas. They're supporting with Emarosa and they're supporting You Me At Six. As You Me At Six are playing there is sure to be loads of screaming 13 year olds. I'm not really fond of their music, I remember seeing a video last year and I liked the music but I've download their album and I'm just not really getting into it. I'm like some of Emarosa though. I can't wait!
p.s i need a new camera.
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