I did an epic amount of shopping today, but I'm too tired to photograph any of them! Tomorrow, I think. I bought stuff that wasn't "me" but when I tried it on they were fantastic. Anyway what I wore & pictures.

sorry for the ultra i'm so cool shots.

Shirt - Rokit
Long sleeved top - Eckored
Shorts (they do exist!) - Primark

Long Cardigan - Marks & Spencers
Lepoard Print top - H&M
Jeans - Primark

i honestly think i'm cool.

Starry shirt - H&M
Lepoard Print top - H&M
Skirt - Thrifted but from H&M.
what a lovely H&M outfit! not really but whatever. Also my first skirt of a decent length!

I leave you with this, while I go have a bath and then eat pizza whilst watching films. It's freezing outside! I didn't get to see my bloody valentine as it was sold out :(
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