I can't even explain what it is about her, I just haven't seen a face like hers before and I adore her tattoos. Actually inspired me to think about getting one, as I'm not into tattoo at all, even though everyone around me is crazy about them.

seriously one of my favourite photos. I don't even think Lauren-Brie is all that, but this photo is stunning, apart from the arm ruining it all but it floors me.

I really didn't like Sheena. Cannot see why she is a model. Pretty girl apart from that annoying and just urgh. I know SO many girls like Sheena and I just don't like them, so I took an instant disliking to her.

Sam was so bleh, just can't even begin to express how annoying I found her. Clark just looked and seemed like a bitch. Pretty though.

love these snaps. and marjorie and analeigh still bffs! I never really saw analeigh as a model, gorgeous but not in an original way at all. She sure does love the necklace though! Marjorie struck me as weird, I really like her, but she really seemed like she was hiding a lot of bitchiness or something...

Like I said before some nice clothing apart from that I didn't really like or dislike McKey. She deffo was a good model, but not one I rooted for. Still she made it to the top. =)
-i'm out!
Wow Elina looks stunning there, definitely one of the best in the cycle.