aah my life is lol.
Now it means i'll actually shop there, I haaate going to any Primark because just treks from my house and too many people. I'll be behind the tills so thankfully I shall not have to be near customers. Only doing weekends, starting off with 4 hours on sat and sunday, not long but a regular paycheck :D

I have been lusting over these shoes for like a month. Their KG by Kurt Geiger duh duh, but I cannot justify spending £120. I know i'd wear them loads over the summer, but hmm I'm a stingy person. I dunno, I shall keep hmming about them for now.
I'm loving the weather right now, need to get my feet in good condition i think. So when summer really comes I can wear whatever. Eee, I'm so excited about my job! I have training on wednesday and then I start on Saturday. Hopefully after my exams I'll increase my hours and then I'm gonna get the DSLR I've been wanting for like a yearrr. And then maybe go on holiday because I will acutally have money :D yay yay yay.
Maybe though I should stop spending money in a ridiculous way though. I've spent about £70 this week. £50 just on friday and saturday. £20 of that £50 was used for a mothers day present though. I spent the remaining £30 on alcohol for two days, and £20 on food for the week. At leat that was money well spent. I do not know what is wrong with me. But I had a good weekend, even though I had a nasty headache this morning.
- blahh hope everyone had a good weekend.
ah i used to work there! shame there's no discount though I did get first dibs on the skinny jeans...
ReplyDeletewahhhaaayyyyy!!! u got a job in primark that is so good because you get to have first dibs on the sellout items!!and then buy 2 sell on ebay !!