Sunday, 29 March 2009
chanel loving.

i love looking at these pictures. I spend way too much time looking at fashion editorials and had to post this one, look at those amazing legs! Amazing location, clothes and model (Daria Werbowy). She actually doesn't look her best, in my opinion, but still stunning. I could do with some of those clothes, that purple swim suit is gorgeous.
I had my first day of work today, my feet hurt. But I don't think I did badly, at least no one seem to mention anything and it really isn't rocket science. So yeah. Doing another four hours tomorrow, my poor feet!
- night.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
wishful thinking.

love these new urban outfitters stuff. I really like those first trousers i'm not a fan of trousers and barely wear jeans, but I love how you can wear them. Now all I need is money!
Monday, 23 March 2009
gossip girl.

Sunday, 22 March 2009
i has a job.
aah my life is lol.
Now it means i'll actually shop there, I haaate going to any Primark because just treks from my house and too many people. I'll be behind the tills so thankfully I shall not have to be near customers. Only doing weekends, starting off with 4 hours on sat and sunday, not long but a regular paycheck :D

I have been lusting over these shoes for like a month. Their KG by Kurt Geiger duh duh, but I cannot justify spending £120. I know i'd wear them loads over the summer, but hmm I'm a stingy person. I dunno, I shall keep hmming about them for now.
I'm loving the weather right now, need to get my feet in good condition i think. So when summer really comes I can wear whatever. Eee, I'm so excited about my job! I have training on wednesday and then I start on Saturday. Hopefully after my exams I'll increase my hours and then I'm gonna get the DSLR I've been wanting for like a yearrr. And then maybe go on holiday because I will acutally have money :D yay yay yay.
Maybe though I should stop spending money in a ridiculous way though. I've spent about £70 this week. £50 just on friday and saturday. £20 of that £50 was used for a mothers day present though. I spent the remaining £30 on alcohol for two days, and £20 on food for the week. At leat that was money well spent. I do not know what is wrong with me. But I had a good weekend, even though I had a nasty headache this morning.
- blahh hope everyone had a good weekend.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Now I just need money....
I am at lost as to whether I should spend nearly £200 for Reading tickets.... I'm just bleh when it comes to making decisions really.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009
balmain fall 2009.

love this without the pointed shoulders.

the skirt is actually something i could possibly work with.

i love all things shiny and glittery.
- bedtime!